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Using Social Media to Understand Immaterial Culture
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Tom, Joshua, and Brandon Martinez. 2021. “Using Social Media to Understand Immaterial Culture”. TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology, June. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.


This is an in-class activity designed to illustrate the four components of immaterial culture (language, symbols, values, and social norms) by having students identify and visualize how these concepts are manifested in the social media platforms they engage with on a daily basis.

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Subject Area(s):
Cultural Sociology
Resource Type(s):
Class Activity
Class Level(s):
College 100
Class Size(s):

Usage Notes

Time Required: Approximately 30-45 minutes

Materials Required: None

Ideal Class Size: 50 or smaller

Prior Learning: Prior exposure to the concept of immaterial culture and its various constituent components, including social norms and sanctions, language, values, and symbols.

This activity can be set up as a...

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Learning Goals and Assessments

Learning Goal(s):

  1. 1. Understand concepts related to immaterial components of culture
  2. 2. Identify these concepts as they are manifested in social media platforms
  3. 3. Understand how immaterial culture structures interactions online

Goal Assessment(s):

  1. 1. 1. This goal can be assessed by following up the activity with a class discussion and clarifying any questions that arise.
  2. 2. This goal can be assessed through discussion within and between groups, both during and after the brainstorming and research time.
  3. 3. This goal can be assessed with a classroom discussion about how these components of culture constrain their behavior on social media.

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