The Paper/Video/Audio assignment (henceforward, PVA) requires students to explain the social construction of race in the United States and to support their answer using a list of pre-selected course learning materials from the syllabus. Students may submit their response as a paper, a pre-recorded video presentation, or as an audio lecture. The...
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- Subject Area(s):
- Race, Class and Gender, Racial and Ethnic Relations, Teaching and Learning in Sociology
- Resource Type(s):
- Assignment, Audio, PowerPoint, Video, Website
- Class Level(s):
- College 100, College 200, College 300, College 400, High School
- Class Size(s):
- Medium, Small
Usage Notes
See attached Usage Notes.
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Learning Goals and Assessments
Learning Goal(s):
- Define and correctly apply sociological terminology as it relates to the study of race, ethnicity, racism, and racial inequality.
Explain the development of race, ethnicity, and race relations over time in the United States.
- Identify how gender, class, sexuality, citizenship status, and phenotype intersect with race and ethnicity to shape experiences.
- Apply a critical sociological lens to evaluate the role of race, ethnicity, and racism in the United States through course assignments.
Goal Assessment(s):
- Students use pre-selected assigned learning materials to describe how race is socially constructed, took hold in colonial North America, became institutionalized, and intersects with gender.
- Students demonstrate their understanding of the social construction of race through a paper, pre-recorded video presentation, or audio lecture.
- Students accurately define, apply, and analyze course concepts to examples.
- Student identify the long-term implications of race and racism in the United States.
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