Finding Our Way Out of Global Catastrophe is a semester-long project where students will show mastery at meeting the learning objectives of Introduction to Sociology through in-class presentations. For online courses, students could create blog posts or do recorded presentations and discussion boards. This project is submitted in five parts and may be...
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- Subject Area(s):
- Introduction to Sociology/Social Problems
- Resource Type(s):
- Assignment
- Class Level(s):
- College 100
- Class Size(s):
- Medium, Small
Usage Notes
Detailed Usage Notes are found at the beginning of the Instructions for this assignment and include reflection on the major components of the assignment.
Estimated Time:
- In-person courses – A minimum of four class periods for in-person presentations
- The assignment works in 16-week...
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Learning Goals and Assessments
Learning Goal(s):
Goal 1: Apply sociological theories to understand social phenomena.
Goal 2: Critically evaluate explanations of human behavior and social phenomena.
Goal 3: Apply scientific principles to understand the social world.
Goal 4: Evaluate the quality of social scientific methods and data.
Goal 5: Rigorously analyze social scientific data.
Goal Assessment(s):
- Students will give four presentations or blog posts and create one survey.
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