The purpose of this paper is to examine Emile Durkheim’s structural framework from his book on Elementary Forms of Religious Life to explore Pokémon Platinum and its religious elements present within the game. Using Durkheim's theoretical framework from religion, Pokémon Platinum sheds light by making connections through the sacred and...
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- Subject Area(s):
- Introduction to Sociology/Social Problems, Religion, Teaching and Learning in Sociology, Theory
- Resource Type(s):
- Class Activity, Lecture, PowerPoint
- Class Level(s):
- Any Level
- Class Size(s):
- Any
Usage Notes
Before Starting:
- Have a computer or laptop and projector to show the images and videos in this activity
- This activity is designed to be suitable for all types of students
- This activity can work in-person and online formats
- The activity will require 60 minutes to go...
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Learning Goals and Assessments
Learning Goal(s):
Students will be introduced to the theories and concepts of Emile Durkheim as they are applied to the sociology of popular culture in the context of religion.
Students will learn sociological perspectives into all forms of religion in its many forms derived from distinguishing the sacred from the profane.
Students will apply Durkheim’s concepts within the context of the Pokémon universe.
Students will examine the function of totems and how they can be applied to the Pokémon universe.
Students will think critically on the importance of popular culture and the many forms of religion.
Students will identify religions in any of its forms to include fiction, popular culture, and modern culture.
Students will learn and understand classical sociological theory.
Students will experience sociology not as an inclusive practice, but a relevant science in its many forms derived from distinguish the sacred from the profane.
Goal Assessment(s):
- Multiple choice activity questions
- Discussion questions
- Fill in the blank chart activity
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