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Sociological Perspectives on Mass Media
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Media literacy
symbolic interactionism
conflict theory
media consolidation

How to Cite

Wilcox, Annika. 2020. “Sociological Perspectives on Mass Media”. TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology, April. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.


This resource synthesizes sociological insights and media literacy information (Ferris and Stein 2018; MediaSmarts N.d.) to create a "unit" on mass media comprised of three activities. The activities encourage students to build a sociological understanding of mass media by helping them to think critically about media from multiple perspectives: media as...

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Subject Area(s):
Introduction to Sociology/Social Problems
Resource Type(s):
Class Activity
Class Level(s):
College 200
Class Size(s):

Usage Notes

See attached usage notes document.

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Learning Goals and Assessments

Learning Goal(s):

  1. Students will identify media products as social constructions.
  2. Students will summarize visual data on media concentration and apply these data to critique freedom of the press.
  3. Students will demonstrate how media products can have varying interpretations and socializing influences.

Goal Assessment(s):

  1. Show of hands concerning recognition of media as a social construct; small- and large-group discussion about the implications of media being socially constructed.
  2. Completion of the media consolidation handout and participation in small- and large-group discussion about this handout.
  3. Small- and large-group discussion about the varying interpretations and socializing influences of a film clip.

When using resources from TRAILS, please include a clear and legible citation.

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