Using an intersectional lens, this activity aims to assess student’s preconceived knowledge of intimate partner violence prior to covering this topic in class through the use of audience response systems, such as live polls. The anonymity of the poll will allow for a greater participation by removing the concern with peer judgment. The results are then to...Download this resource to see full details. Download this resource to see full details.
- Subject Area(s):
- Introduction to Sociology/Social Problems
- Resource Type(s):
- Assessment
- Class Level(s):
- College 100
- Class Size(s):
- Medium
Usage Notes
This activity is meant to be given prior to any introduction of material on intimate partner violence to assess prior knowledge. It takes approximately 25 minutes to complete in class and uses technology that requires active engagement of students and their cellphones. The structure of this activity is anonymous which encourages increased participation....Download this resource to see full details. Download this resource to see full details.
Learning Goals and Assessments
Learning Goal(s):
- 1. To illuminate the pre-existing understanding students have regarding intimate partner violence.
- 2. Assessment of growth through reflection upon the pre-existing understandings of intimate partner violence and the effects they have on self and society.
Goal Assessment(s):
- Students write a two-page, two-part reflection (single-spaced): one page on their own pre-existing understandings and how they have changed and one page on how preconceived ideas affect policies and the victims themselves.
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