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Anna Julia Cooper
Black sociological thought; Black sociology; E. Franklin Frazier
Denied scholars; James Baldwin; Race and racism; Social theory; Theory; W.E.B. Du Bois

How to Cite

Brown, Tony. 2021. “BLACK SOCIOLOGICAL THOUGHT”. TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology, July. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.


This is a graduate-level seminar course. It is a theory course, but unlike any theory course you have taken or will ever take. It centers black sociological thought, which is a standpoint paradigm that remains ambiguous and controversial and poorly understood. The course depends upon classic and contemporary ideas, and their fusion. It examines scholars,...

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Usage Notes

This is a graduate level theory course that should be offered as an elective. Black Sociological Thought supplements classical and contemporary theory courses. It places black sociologists and sociological thinkers in conversation with canonical scholars. Students and scholars from multiple ASA subsections should find this course useful. Additionally,...

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Learning Goals and Assessments

Learning Goal(s):

  1. 1. Learn the names, biographies, motivations, and contributions of numerous black sociologists and sociological thinkers.2. Assimilate black sociological thought into previously taken mainstream theory, methods, and substantive courses.
  2. 3. Demonstrate theoretical innovation involving the radical black tradition.
  3. 4. Envision connections between black sociological thought and black queer theory, critical race theory, womanism, critical literary studies, and other marginalized epistemological traditions.

Goal Assessment(s):

  1. Lead/facilitate class discussions. Leaders/facilitators share responsibility for guiding class discussion. Therefore, they are encouraged to work collaboratively to develop a lesson plan as a group.
  2. Compose three questions derived from the reading and embedded in well-written commentary (i.e., three paragraphs).
  3. Create a “X” Sociological Thought syllabus. Fill in the “X” with an identity (e.g., Queer) or a perspective (e.g., Feminist) or an adjective (“Critical”) that interests you.

When using resources from TRAILS, please include a clear and legible citation.

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