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Urban Sociology
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urban sociology
urban inequality
neighborhood research
global cities
urban social problems

How to Cite

Halasz, Judith. 2019. “Urban Sociology”. TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology, July. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.


Urban Sociology is an upper-division undergraduate elective that introduces students to the study of city life in the US and globally. The course examines social life in urban areas, with a focus on contemporary issues such as gentrification and development; segregation; immigration and ethnic enclaves; queer communities; poverty, affordable housing, and...

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Subject Area(s):
Urban Sociology
Resource Type(s):
Assignment, Syllabus
Class Level(s):
College 300
Class Size(s):

Usage Notes

This is a unique contribution since there is only one syllabus for a general Urban Sociology course on TRAILS and that course does not focus on current issues such as gentrification, queer communities, affordable housing and homelessness. Rather than rely on a reader, this course presents an up-to-date variety of current and classical scholarship...

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Learning Goals and Assessments

Learning Goal(s):

  1. Define urban sociological concepts, such as segregation, gentrification, ethnic enclaves, and global cities
  2. Apply urban sociological concepts and theories to analyze historical and recent developments in urban life in the US and globally
  3. Analyze urban social problems relating to inequalities stemming from race, ethnicity, nationality, class, gender, sexuality, globalization, and the environment

Goal Assessment(s):

  1. mid-term examination; group reading summary and presentation; individual summary of course reading for group project; neighborhood research paper and presentation
  2. mid-term examination; neighborhood research paper and presentation
  3. mid-term examination; neighborhood research paper and presentation

When using resources from TRAILS, please include a clear and legible citation.

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