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Stratification Active Learning Assignments
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Lareau, Annette. 2014. “Stratification Active Learning Assignments”. TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology, August. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.


As part of a lower division stratification seminar, 2014 ASA President Annette Lareau offers her students a series of exercises to be completed across the semester. This invited resource in the Presidential Pedagogies series presents 5 of her activities. They represent an engaging set of active learning assignments that TRAILS users can adopt and adapt in...

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Usage Notes

I encourage the students to limit the time that they spend on these activities. I do not make them worth a lot of points. Rather, they are intended to bring the concepts to life. Often the students enjoy the activities. For the "Buying a House" exercise and the race, wealth, and home ownership exercise, I usually encourage students to choose a region...

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Learning Goals and Assessments

Learning Goal(s):

  1. To deepen students’ knowledge of the difference stratification makes in everyday life.
  2. To demonstrate the persistent patterns of inequality using empirical data, with emphasis on the intersections of race and ethnicity and gender.
  3. To demonstrate the value of social science analysis through active learning strategies.

Goal Assessment(s):

  1. Adopters can develop their own rubrics contextualized for own courses given the activities chosen. Options include: accurate use and interpretation of empirical data, clarity of analysis linked to readings/theories, & demonstration of critical thinking.

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