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Seminar in Social Psychology: Identity, Impression Management, and the Self
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social psychology
impression management

How to Cite

Hirshfield, Laura. 2014. “Seminar in Social Psychology: Identity, Impression Management, and the Self”. TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology, August. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.


Social psychology is the systematic study of the behavior, thoughts, and feelings individuals in interaction and of their relationship to larger groups in society. The field of social psychology is interdisciplinary – both psychologists and sociologists use many of the same concepts and theories to motivate their research. This course will place a...

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Subject Area(s):
Social Psychology
Resource Type(s):
Class Level(s):
College 400
Class Size(s):

Usage Notes

This syllabus was developed for a semester-long seminar course with highly engaged students.

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Learning Goals and Assessments

Learning Goal(s):

  1. 1) Students will learn to identify and apply core concepts in social psychology.
  2. 2) Students will learn to discuss, critique, and apply broad social psychological theories to empirical, micro-sociological work
  3. 3) Students will learn to develop and revise a research proposal.

Goal Assessment(s):

  1. 1) Students will identify core concepts in in-class discussions and in their reading summaries. They will apply these theories in a autophotagraphy project and in their final research paper.
  2. 2) Students' clarity and creative application of these theories will be evaluated through their in-class comments.
  3. 3) Students will be assessed in both through the persuasiveness of their original proposal and through their ability to apply to their final paper any changes suggested in the evaluation of their proposal.

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