Intersectionality is an analytic concept that signifies ways that inequalities may overlap to create unique forms of privilege and subjugation (Crenshaw 1989, 1991; Hill Collins 2009; Hill Collins and Bilge 2016). However, intersectionality is a perplexing concept for students to grasp (Naples 2009). A recurring puzzle for some sociology instructors is...Download this resource to see full details. Download this resource to see full details.
- Subject Area(s):
- Race, Class and Gender
- Resource Type(s):
- Class Activity
- Class Level(s):
- Any Level
- Class Size(s):
- Small
Usage Notes
The instructor should prepare students for the activity in the previous class lecture, discussion, and/or assigned readings by introducing the concept of intersectionality. Specifically, students should be familiar with intersectionality signifying that different forms of domination overlap (e.g., racism, classism, and sexism) as a system of oppression...Download this resource to see full details. Download this resource to see full details.
Learning Goals and Assessments
Learning Goal(s):
- Students will be able to convey how intersecting inequalities are "real" from the perspective of research participants.
- Students will be able to define intersectionality as an analytic concept for understanding intersecting identities and ways that social institutions create forms of power, privilege, and subjugation.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to think critically about how their own positionalities are shaped by different institutional and historical forces.
Goal Assessment(s):
- This goal may be assessed through the student interior monologue free-writing exercise, student responses on the meet-and-greet handout, and/or the group responses to the vignettes.
- This goal may be assessed through class discussion and the written responses to the prompt that asks students to define intersectionality at the end of the activity.
- This goal may be assessed through the concluding free-writing exercise that asks students to reflect on the activity and how intersectionality could help them make sense of their own experiences with intersecting forms of inequality and privilege.
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