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Using Peer Accounts to Understand Techniques of Neutralization
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How to Cite

Zito, Rena. 2013. “Using Peer Accounts to Understand Techniques of Neutralization”. TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology, July. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.


This two-part assignment requires students to administer a questionnaire to peers regarding deviant behavior, after obtaining informed consent, and to use the collected data to identify examples of Sykes and Matza’s techniques of neutralization. They also use the data to distinguish between excuses and justifications in deviant accounts. The assignment is...

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Subject Area(s):
Deviant Behavior/Social Disorganization
Resource Type(s):
Class Level(s):
College 200
Class Size(s):

Usage Notes

This is a two-step assignment. In the first step, students administer a consent form and questionnaire to a peer and upload the responses. In the second step, they use the compiled responses to answer questions about techniques of neutralization.

Materials needed: (1) Instructions for students regarding the administering of the Deviance...

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Learning Goals and Assessments

Learning Goal(s):

  1. Demonstrate understanding of Sykes and Matza’s techniques of neutralization.
  2. Discern between excuses and justification in accounts of deviant behavior.
  3. Become familiarized with research ethics in data collection.

Goal Assessment(s):

  1. Correctly applying Sykes and Matza’s techniques of neutralization to real-life accounts of deviant behavior in a written assignment (or, alternatively, an in-class group assignment).
  2. Identifying examples of excuses and justifications in peer accounts of deviant behavior.
  3. Identifying the purpose of informed consent during class discussion and administering consent forms and questionnaires to respondents in compliance with ASA’s Code of Ethics.

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