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Using Drunk Driving Deaths to Understand Sexual Assault
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Sexual assault
rape prevention

How to Cite

Ulrich, Monika. 2011. “Using Drunk Driving Deaths to Understand Sexual Assault”. TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology, October. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.



I challenge student’s ideas about who is responsible to prevent rape by comparing rape to drunk driving deaths. I argue that there is little that an individual can feasibly do to prevent being killed by a drunk driver today. We do not expect individual self-protective behaviors to be an effective means to reduce drunk driving...

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Subject Area(s):
Resource Type(s):
Class Activity
Class Level(s):
Any Level
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Usage Notes

This exercise can be used in classes like family, gender, sexuality, criminal justice, the body and family violence. The entire presentation takes about 60 minutes.

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Learning Goals and Assessments

Learning Goal(s):

  1. (1) Understand that the current mainstream approach to rape prevention tends to hold victims responsible for rape prevention
  2. (2) Differentiate between macro and micro approaches to rape prevention
  3. (3) Feel motivated to engage in society-wide efforts to reduce rape

Goal Assessment(s):

  1. (1) Students will be able to explain how the mainstream approach to rape prevention holds victims responsible
  2. (2) Students will be able to give examples of macro and micro approaches to rape prevention
  3. (3) Students will report that they feel more motivated to engage in society-wide efforts to reduce rape

When using resources from TRAILS, please include a clear and legible citation.

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