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The Construction of Crime News by the Media: A Class Activity
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How to Cite

Hipes, Crosby. 2020. “The Construction of Crime News by the Media: A Class Activity”. TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology, July. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.


Research suggests there is a disconnect between crime-related perceptions and realities in the United States. For example, many students enter social science courses believing that violent crime rates are increasing, when in fact the opposite is true. This class activity encourages students to critically analyze the media as a "filter" of information...

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Subject Area(s):
Criminal Justice
Resource Type(s):
Class Activity
Class Level(s):
Any Level
Class Size(s):

Usage Notes

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Learning Goals and Assessments

Learning Goal(s):

  1. Illustrate the role of the media in filtering and shaping reality
  2. Identify and categorize crime-related news-making criteria
  3. Relate examples to the news-making process more broadly; assess the role of the media and the culture of fear

Goal Assessment(s):

  1. The instructor will highlight the agenda-setting and framing functions
  2. The instructor will present the criteria identified by Jewkes and Linnemann (2017), and provide explanations and examples; Students will analyze news headlines and evaluate whether they meet the criteria
  3. As a think-pair-share with their small groups, students will analyze their findings from the activity by responding to and discussing questions; Students will evaluate effects of this news-making process

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