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The Class Discussion Bingo Card: A Teaching Tool for Supporting Effective Discussions in the College Classroom
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class discussion
student-lead learning
student engagement
cooperative learning
student-lead grading

How to Cite

Espy, Hannah. 2023. “The Class Discussion Bingo Card: A Teaching Tool for Supporting Effective Discussions in the College Classroom”. TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology, February. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.


The class discussion bingo card (hereafter “bingo card”) supports discussion-based learning by pairing a first day class activity with an ongoing, student-led assessment tool that teaches and motivates good discussion practices in the college classroom. Classroom discussion is an important teaching tool for learning and retention, but...

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Subject Area(s):
Teaching and Learning in Sociology
Resource Type(s):
Assessment, Class Activity
Class Level(s):
Any Level
Class Size(s):
Medium, Small

Usage Notes

The bingo card was designed to provide the required interventions for an effective class discussion in a format that is fun and easy to institute in the classroom. This tool provides students with enough structure and information to support good class discussion, is student-run, and supports cooperative learning. The tool is a visual outline of the...

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Learning Goals and Assessments

Learning Goal(s):

  1. Upon completing the first day activity, students will be able to identify the value, benefits, challenges, and best practices of discussion-based learning in the college classroom.

    Upon completion of the course, students will be able to mobilize practices that make for productive classroom discussions and use discussion to develop a deeper...
  2. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to mobilize practices that make for productive classroom discussions and use discussion to develop a deeper understanding of complex course material.

  3. By the end of the course, students will be able to critically evaluate class discussions for learning potential and productive engagement with course material.

  4. Throughout the course, students will develop a sense of ownership over classroom learning and appreciation for discussion-based learning, while strengthening their comprehension and critical thinking skills.

Goal Assessment(s):

  1. Working in groups, students discuss the traits of productive class discussions, common challenges and pitfalls of class discussions, and construct a list of best practices for productive classroom discussions.
  2. Students use bingo card to identify when good discussion practices are occurring, making meta-level comments about discussion that references card contents.
  3. Graded bingo cards show increased engagement with good discussion practices over the duration of the course (more boxes highlighted, higher grades achieved over time).
  4. Student grader evaluates the quality of discussion using bingo card rubric and leads an end-of-class debrief reflecting on daily discussion performance with the class, identifying areas from the card that were done well and areas that need improvement.
  5. In end-of-term student evaluations, students self-report high levels of appreciation for class discussion, critical thinking, and personal responsibility for learning and class performance.
  6. Course grades and performance on assignments and tests reflect strong critical thinking skills and understanding of course material.

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