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Intersectional Perspectives on Aging
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Social Gerontology

How to Cite

Gillespie, Brian. 2015. “Intersectional Perspectives on Aging”. TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology, May. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.


Using a unique set of "social status" characteristics, we will discuss the negative and positive impact of aging-specific issues and social policies based on an intersectional analysis of weekly discussion topics. Your job is to learn what you can about the weekly topic through the eyes of an individual with these social status characteristics. Feel free...

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Subject Area(s):
Aging/Social Gerontology
Resource Type(s):
Assessment, Assignment, Class Activity
Class Level(s):
Any Level
Class Size(s):

Learning Goals and Assessments

Learning Goal(s):

  1. Sensitize students to intersectionality by allowing them to contemplate the privileges and disadvantages that aging individuals experience based on their diverse genders, social classes, and races/ethnicities/cultures.
  2. Enable students to discuss and critique what they read in the course and thought about in lecture.
  3. Inspire insightful group discussion that fosters an appreciation for the diverse class, gender, and racial/cultural approaches to aging.

Goal Assessment(s):

  1. Students turn in a short (~250 word) write-up each week to demonstrate that they have considered the weekly topic through the lens of aging individuals from diverse backgrounds.
  2. Weekly papers are assessed based on their intersectional analysis and links between fact (research) and narrative (lived experiences). Students are also encouraged to incorporate concepts from lecture and readings into their write-up.
  3. Students meet each week in small groups to develop an outline that identifies the most important points from their individual analyses. These points are then discussed (and often debated) in full-class discussion and turned in for participation credit.

When using resources from TRAILS, please include a clear and legible citation.

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