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Hamburger Statistics – Introduction to T-Tests
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Elementary statistics
data analysis

How to Cite

Takeuchi, May, and Alex Takeuchi. 2019. “Hamburger Statistics – Introduction to T-Tests”. TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology, April. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.


Teaching materials on quantitative analysis are often stereotyped as "dry," "boring," "difficult" or even "intimidating" by some undergraduate students. To make the entry level inferential statistics more approachable to those students, this assignment uses "down-to-earth" real-life examples with a hint of humor in teaching and learning of independent...

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College 300
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Usage Notes

Please refer to the attached document "Usage Notes."

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Learning Goals and Assessments

Learning Goal(s):

  1. To learn how to examine the difference between two unrelated groups and between two related groups by comparing the means obtained from the two groups, using examples of real-life social situations.
  2. To learn how to perform t-tests on a hypothetical data set using Microsoft Excel and report the results in APA format.
  3. To learn how to make "empirically informed" decisions in everyday problem-solving situations based on simple quantitative analyses.

Goal Assessment(s):

  1. How well students understand the nature of the problems and can formulate appropriate null hypotheses in Questions A3a, B3a, B3d, and C1 on the assignment sheet.
  2. How appropriately students respond to Questions, A3b, B3b, B3e, B3f, and C2 on the assignment sheet.
  3. How appropriately students respond to Questions B3c, B3e, C3, and C4 on the assignment sheet.

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